Homeopathic Centre Melbourne

Homeopathic Centre


Glen Iris Victoria 3146 

Anthony von Moger - B.Hlth Sci (Nat) A.N.T.A F805191 - Homeopath

Depression -
Homeopathic Treatment Considerations

Depression is a normal response to a sad event, or to a series of mishaps. If you experience the symptoms of mild depression, such as feeling low, tired, irritable or frustrated, you may well find that homeopathic medicine can boost you and get you out of the emotional 'rut'.

More serious depression is indicated by changes in appetite, loss of sexual desire, sleep disturbance and thoughts of suicide. These particular symptoms require a constitutional diagnosis by a qualified Homeopath.

Depression has been treated by homeopathy.

Depression requires detailed specific prescribing of the "right" homeopathic remedy.

Trial and error or shotgun prescribing does not work, and therefore we don't recommend self-medication. In fact, self-medication will complicate the overall symptom picture.

Below are only some of the remedies we may prescribe, please note how important the individual symptom picture is. Only when all symptoms, aggravation or amelioration are taken into consideration can a specific homeopathic remedy be selected. A further consideration is given to the potency of the remedy.

To make an appointment, please call (03) 9889 9835

For "Online Consultations", please e-mail or fill in our "Enquiry Form".


Homeopathic Treatment Considerations:

Aconite napellus - A fear of going out, of crowds, of crossing the road and of death. In fact, life becomes intolerable because of these fears. Anxiousness, restlessness and extreme melancholy after listening to music are also observed.
Anacardium orientale - Extremely miserable, imaging all sorts of illness. A great tendency and desire to swear. Very easily offended, with almost a total loss of confidence. Impaired memory.
Arsenicum album - May feel that no treatment will help symptoms of mental restlessness with great anguish and fear, especially of dying. The worst time is midnight to 3am.
Aurum metallicum - Disgusted with life and may be contemplating committing suicide. Intolerance to the slightest contradiction, over-sensitivity to noise and depressed from grief or unsuccessful love.
Causticum - Sad and hopeless, the slightest thing causes tears. Depression usually follows grief, loss of sleep and sudden emotional situations.
Helleborus niger - Despairing, and may also feel melancholic and full of anguish. Menstruation may cease.
NOTE: Every effort has been made to ensure that the contents of this website is accurate and current. We do not recommend self-medication, the information herein is not designed to replace the expert and individual medical advice provided by your Homeopath.

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(03) 9889 9835


Homeopathic Centre Melbourne


20 Trent Street
Glen Iris
Victoria 3146

(03) 9889 9835

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