Homeopathic Centre Melbourne

Homeopathic Centre


Glen Iris Victoria 3146 

Anthony von Moger - B.Hlth Sci (Nat) A.N.T.A F805191 - Homeopath

Bruising -
Homeopathic Treatment Considerations

A bruise forms when a blow injures the tissue under the skin without breaking it. The rupture of blood vessels makes the skin appear black and blue. Bruises have been treated by homeopathy. A bruise requires detailed specific prescribing of the "right" homeopathic remedy.

Trial and error or shotgun prescribing does not work, and therefore we don't recommend self-medication. In fact, self-medication will complicate the overall symptom picture.

Below are only some of the remedies we may prescribe, please note how important the individual symptom picture is. Only when all symptoms, aggravation or amelioration are taken into consideration can a specific homeopathic remedy be selected. A further consideration is given to the potency of the remedy.

To make an appointment, please call (03) 9889 9835

For "Online Consultations", please e-mail or fill in our "Enquiry Form".


Homeopathic Treatment Considerations:

Arnica - This is the number one remedy for bruises. Its effects often seem magical and if you use it immediately it will prevent even the most fearful blow from developing into a painful lump. Use Arnica externally or internally, or both if your bruising is severe.
Hypericum - When the bruise is on part of the body rich in nerves, such as fingers, lips, toes, nose, ears or coccyx, Hypericum may be more effective than Arnica. Often you may have shooting pain from the bruising. 
Ruta - This has a special affinity with the periosteum, the membrane covering the bones, so use Ruta after a kick in the shins, or wherever the bones feel bruised. 
NOTE: Every effort has been made to ensure that the contents of this website is accurate and current. We do not recommend self-medication, the information herein is not designed to replace the expert and individual medical advice provided by your Homeopath.

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(03) 9889 9835


Homeopathic Centre Melbourne


20 Trent Street
Glen Iris
Victoria 3146

(03) 9889 9835

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